BBx BUI Showcase

Recent Demos
BBj Recipes
TechCon 2015 Demo Published 02/2017
BBjRecipes - A recipe app that demonstrates editing HTML files, designed for tablets and larger screens
The BBjRecipes demo features the BBjHtmlEdit control to provide a WYSIWYG rich text editor and the BBMig Layout Manager to manage the size and position of controls automatically. After launching the app, select any recipe from the vertical list on the left. By toggling the [Edit Recipe] button you can switch between the edit and read-only view for the selected recipe. In edit mode, select some text in the recipe and experiment with the editor's formatting toolbuttons.
The demo's ReadMe contains more information about the program
BBJasper Invoices
Installed Demo Published 02/2017
BBJasper Invoices - An installed demo that generates customer invoices dynamically from the account information in the ChileCompany database
The BBJasper Invoices demo features the BBjJasperViewer to display customer invoices. The BBJasperViewer displays all of the invoices in a single report, and you can scroll through the individual customer invoices by paging through the report. The BBJasperViewer has a number of other useful capabilities, including offering the option to save the report (either locally or to GoogleDrive) and print it to PDF format or a local printer. The app also demonstrates how to use a variety of custom fonts in Jaspersoft Studio and your JasperReports, ensuring that they will always be available to any remote client.
BUI HTML5 Input Extensions
TechCon 2015 Demo Published 02/2017
BUI HTML5 Input Extensions - A demo that uses HTML5 text input types to facilitate user input on a variety of devices
The BUI HTML5 Input Extensions demo features a number of HTML5 Input Types that are available for the BBjEditBox. Adding the new input styles to your BUI app's input fields provides dual benefits: decreased development time and an improved user experience - particularly on mobile devices! For example, when running on Mobile Safari (on an iPhone or iPad), tapping on a date input will bring up the native date picker. To see the variety of input styles offered by browsers, try running the demo in both a desktop and mobile browser and enter information into the input fields. The app also uses the BBMig Layout Manager to vary the number of columns, automatically switching between 1, 2, and 3 column mode depending on the available screen width.
The demo's ReadMe contains more information about the program
BBj Color Converter
Showcase Demo Published 10/2023
BBj Color Converter - A demo that converts and formats colors in a variety of models including Java Color, BBjColor, and RGB, HSL, and hexadecimal representation.
The BBj Color Converter demo provides a graphical front-end to the new Colors.bbj utility class that's installed in the /utils/ directory. The program lets you define a color in RGB, HEX, HSL, or HSB format using edit boxes for the component values or sliders to adjust the component values within the applicable range. It automatically converts the defined color into all the supported color formats and displays the color in eight different output formats (the original four plus versions defining the alpha transparency value). Clicking on one of the color output formats clicks on one of the output formats copies the color definition into the your clipboard. The app also uses the BBMig Layout Manager to size and position the controls on the window. The window's width is defined to be narrow, but will expand to fit the width of the browser's client area when it's relatively narrow, such as when it's running on a mobile smartphone.
The demo's ReadMe contains more information about the program

Smartphone/Tablet Demo Apps
BBx® applications targeted for various phone and tablet devices running iPhone/iPad iOS, Android, Blackberry, and more.

Dashboard Demos

Full Screen Demos

Advantage Demos

Developer Control Samples

You can view the source for the small sample programs by clicking on the magnifying glass icon to the right of the program. Most of the other programs are installed with the BBj Product Suite in the <bbjhome>/demos directory. Download the package that contains the demos from the BUI-powered Product Download Page. To create your own copy of this page on your machine, follow the instructions given in the <bbjhome>/demos/BUIShowcase/readme.txt file. readme.txt

BASIS provides sample code for demonstration and illustrative purposes only and has not thoroughly tested it under all possible conditions.

BASIS does not guarantee or imply reliability, serviceability, or function of these programs.